Saturday, March 28, 2009

Alternative Wedding Bouquets

As a wedding tradition, brides used to carry bunches of garlic, herbs, and grains to ward off evil spirits. Eventually, the stinky concoctions turned into beautiful flowers representing life, love and fertility.

Now, brides are opting for more alternative bouquets. If you want something unique to your wedding and break from the traditional mold, check these out.

From left to right:

Button Bouquet - reallybadkitty
Shell Bouquet - Freshcutedesign
Felt Bouquet - RibbonsNBowsBoutique

Crepe Paper Bouquet - lalalaurie
Romance Novel Rose Bouquet - Quitesparkly
Wire Bouquet - REFINERII

1 comment:

  1. These are really fantastic!! I have another style of handmade sustainable bouquets to add to your list *smiles* Here's a picture: Vintage Textile Infused Button Bouquet
